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Behind the Mesh with T-Shirt Oz

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Behind the Mesh with T-Shirt Oz

Getting to know Val owner of T-Shirt Oz

Meet Val Kirps, the owner of T-Shirt Oz, a thriving screenprinting business in Coburg North, Melbourne. Val’s career in the garment industry began with a company that specialized in zippers, elastics, and other garment fixings. He quickly distinguished himself as a top salesman. Through his industry connections, Val was introduced to screen printing in his early twenties by a customer and recognized a significant gap in the supply and demand for garment decoration in Australia.

Starting small, Val began screen printing in his mum’s garage. His dedication and rapid learning curve soon paid off when he secured his first major order: 4,000 garments for a sleepwear manufacturer. This success marked the beginning of Val’s screenprinting journey.

Today, T-Shirt Oz prints thousands of garments regularly for brands and businesses across Australia. Join us as we delve into Val’s inspiring story and gain insights into the dynamic world of screen printing.

Val Kirps – T-Shirt Oz

About Val

List 3 things about yourself – fun facts, hobbies, pets or interests
  1. I enjoy skiing.
  2. I have a tenacious Jack Russell.
  3. I’ve just recently become a grandfather.
Describe your screen printing journey. How and when did you get started and what has been your biggest learning experience?

I started out from very humble beginnings, in my mum’s garage and shed in the 80’s, I was in my early twenties. I had no idea how to print, I saw an opportunity to make a living doing this and jumped in with both feet. Safe to say that I had a crash course in the whole screenprinting process. Back then, I saw that there was a lot of demand and not enough supply, this caught my interest.

I learned by doing and making mistakes. These two things have taught me the greatest lessons.

Tell us about your proudest screen printing project. What made it special and what did you learn from it?

I was fortunate enough to acquire the East Coast merchandise contract, this meant large print jobs and constant work. One of the prints that I had distinctly remember doing was a puff print in waterbased ink. This puff print was completed in a retro red with a few other colours. The standout moment was when I turned on the TV and saw the garment with the print being advertised, a real proud moment for me.

T-Shirt Oz operates with 2 x automatic carousels and 2 x manual carousels


What are your thoughts on the current trends in screen printing? Do you see any emerging styles or techniques that excite you?

I am always on the look out for new techniques, tricks and trends for garment application. Attending trade shows is a great help as all the manufacturers and suppliers love to showcase the newest and latest in garment decoration. At the last trade show I went to; I was blown away by Stahls. Stahls garment decoration heatpress transfers are amazing. I snapped up a Stahls hatpress and Stahls raised heat transfers, we now offer a broader range of garment decorations because of this.

What role does the online community play in your screen printing practice? How do you connect with other printers and share knowledge?

I prefer going old-school. I have a few close friends who are in garment decoration and screen printing, and I’ll give them a call to discuss any ideas or issues that I am facing. I find that a personal phone call works best for me, and it is a fantastic way to maintain a great relationship.

Val working with his production scheduler and printer

Shop Floor

What your most treasured product or piece of equipment on the floor that has made your life easier as a printer? Why?

My most treasured piece of equipment, besides the presses, is the M&R i-Image. This CTS (Computer To Screen) machine has sped up the workflow of the production team exponentially.  It has eliminated the need for outputting film and prepping films on to screens. Plus with the tri-lock registration system, it has dramatically sped up job setup as our printers are registering jobs faster.

What is on your wish list for your shop floor this year?

It’d be nice to have more floor space!

On our visit, T-Shirt Oz was filled with blanks for a huge order


What advice would you give to aspiring screen printers? What are the essential skills and qualities for success in this field?
  1. You can have all the skills, but having tenacity is a must. Be like my little jack Russell who chases the ball tenaciously whenever it’s in sight.
  2. Being able to think on your feet is incredibly important as well as having knowledge in what you’re doing.
A common sight in every print shop, the Ink Wall.


Share a funny or unexpected mishap you’ve encountered while screen printing.

At a previous location, we were located next to the Hells Angels group, yes the bikie gang. We did a job for them for about 12 shirts for a tour they were going on. One Friday evening after closing up, I was enjoying a beer with my printer and we hear loud banging on our door. We open up and it was the leader of that Hells Angels group, we called him Mr Bearing. 

Mr Bearing said “the shirts are f****d!”. My heart sank and panic ensued. Mr Bearing then said “we forgot to add a name on all of the shirts”. I was relieved that it wasn’t my fault, so my printer and I scrambled, fixed the shirts and off Mr Bearing went, happy with the outcome. We didn’t care about getting paid, just glad it all went well.


Val’s deep career in the garment decoration industry has lead him to becoming a sought-after garment decorator in Australia. Having decorated for huge brands and businesses in the past, it’s no wonder that T-Shirt Oz is as established as it is today. We’re honored to be able to service and assist the team at T-Shirt Oz.

Thank you, Val and T-Shirt Oz, for your time! Val’s knowledge and experience in the screenprinting industry may need a second visit to dive deeper into the screenprinting game.

Written by the Jones Brothers Printechnology Team in collaboration with Val Kirps, owner of T-Shirt Oz.

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