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Behind the Mesh with OPM Design

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Behind the Mesh with OPM Design

Owen is the proud owner of OPM Design, he started off in his parents house and worked his way up to what OPM Design is today – an operation that is a team of 7 people who produce amazing work. Owen’s journey consisted of lots of learning and growing – some lessons easy and some not so.

From having his car roll back and bumping into Matt’s (Current Managing Director of Jones Brothers) car while in a rush for some ink to nailing some of the most intricate halftone designs. Owen has embodied the “get better 1% everyday” mindset and has grown to become a well-established screen printer in Coburg.

You’ll want to read the story about previous tenants growing “tomatoes” before Owen took over the rental lease and how it benefited him greatly.

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Gioia & Owen in front of their amazing ink wall at OPM Design

About Owen

List 3 things about yourself – fun facts, hobbies, pets or interests
  1. I have a cat, she lived at the shop with me for a few years.
  2. I have always lived in Coburg and I work in Coburg
  3. I used to play video games professionally, I still play for fun.
Describe your screen printing journey. How and when did you get started and what has been your biggest learning experience?

I started in roughly 2012 nothing too serious, I just wanted to print shirts for myself and friends., I set up some tarps down the side of my parent’s driveway, using a 4/1 manual and a heat gun, I would keep the inks and supplies in my bedroom, Using my parent’s toilet as a darkroom and wash screens out in the shower, (this definitely had its issues) I’m very grateful they put up with this! There is still some emulsion in the toilet if you look hard enough! hah

I then moved to a share house with a friend in Coburg North, we got it cheap, it so happened the place was used to grow “tomatoes” before we got the lease, they got busted and had to move off. The house was a complete bomb, so after a lot of cleaning the place out I had a nice little garage setup.

The house came with 3 phase power, so I was able to run a Jones Brothers flash, and oven. I got a 6/6 TAS from an old workmate I used to work with at Blue Swan where I did my apprenticeship

The biggest learning experience so far would have to be: Organisation.

I’m not naturally an organised person, perhaps a little ADHD, so putting procedures in place and sticking to them was hard. keeping on track, clean and in order. These days I’m much better at it, but that was a big learning experience

OPM’s ink wall – one of the more impressive ink walls we’ve seen!
Tell us about your proudest screen printing project. What made it special and what did you learn from it?

My proudest moment is probably right now, there were some hard years in the past. The company feels like it is in the best space it has ever been. We have a good workflow and team synergy, our head printer pushes me to make prints better every day and I respond well to this – so we are coming up with some good finished products.

My girlfriend, Gioia, joined the company about 4 years ago. She has taken to the business and customers love her. She has started her embroidery section of OPM which has helped with sales as customers can use us as a one-stop shop. We can do almost everything in-house.


What are your thoughts on the current trends in screen printing? Do you see any emerging styles or techniques that excite you?

I think we are in an interesting time at the moment, it seems there is a lot of new tech, digital hybrid, DTF, DTG, laser exposure units, CTS… Computer systems are becoming more and more integrated into production, it’s great to see some new equipment.

I would like to try more mixed media projects, for example, embroidery and screen printing on the same garment, perhaps a screen printed then a decoration with embroidery over the top of the print could look nice!

What role does the online community play in your screen printing practice? How do you connect with other printers and share knowledge?

The online community is good, most people are happy to share knowledge, as am I, I guess, the best way to learn is to teach!

I remember a few years ago there was a customer who wanted a rush order just before Christmas, but instead of sending the emails individually to all the print shops he CC’d everyone into one group email. Hah!

I think the email thread became a bit of a joke as we were all replying to each other making funny comments. This gave me the idea to maybe keep this going so I decided to make a Facebook group and called it AASPI it was just to share knowledge and help each other out. It’s beaut to see that AASPI has taken off, and people can just ask a question or ask for help there when needed.

I wonder if the guy ever got his rush order before Christmas…

Shop Floor

What your most treasured product or piece of equipment on the floor that has made your life easier as a printer? Why?

I would have to say our TAS Auto Press and our Tajima Embroidery machine.

Who doesn’t love a pug print?
What is on your wish list for your shop floor this year?

A bigger press would be great! New press with the bells and whistles.


What advice would you give to aspiring screen printers? What are the essential skills and qualities for success in this field?

I think it’s a game of 1%’s just do one thing that might make your job 1% better or easier, even if it takes a week to do and just keep doing that, eventually, you end up with 10-20% better everything and you can feel that.


Share a funny or unexpected mishap you’ve encountered while screen printing.

Once when I was in a rush for some ink,  I drove to Jones Brothers, (the old location) I quickly pulled in, parked my car and ran in. I remember Matt saying “Hey hey!” pointing behind me, I looked back and my car was rolling backwards towards another car then… Smash! Oh no!

It happened to be Matt’s car. Thankfully there wasn’t too much damage, and Matt let it go!

Thanks Matt!

What’s your go-to playlist for a productive printing session?

    We have 3 people at our shop who speak fluent Italian, so funny enough we get Italian talkback radio. I’m pretty good at blocking this out. Sometimes Demi plays some hip-hop and Gioia plays some techno.

    What is the weirdest/funniest artwork you’ve had to print?

      Probably a photorealistic penis, I think it was 4 colour halftone. Like 35 cm front chest print.

      “Don’t ask just send the invoice.” – the customer 

      We also print large-format café umbrellas and barriers. This is only funny for other people watching the printer print these monstrosities.

      Aside from that shout out to the team – big thanks!!

      Gioia, Stefano, Alyssa, Sam, Demi, Ethan, Chubbs, my son, Freddy, and my second son to come – Gioia is 5 and a half months pregnant right now!

      My parents for always supporting me, even when I was reclaiming screens in the driveway.

      And to everyone who has helped on this journey… thanks.

      Part of the OPM Design crew.


      Owen’s journey is filled with hilarious mishaps that he has taken on board as part of his journey on his quest to becoming the best printer he can be. Along the way, Owen has inspired his own dream team to produce their best work, and they inspire him to do the same.

      Thank you, Owen, for sharing your story with us and being the last edition of Behind The Mesh of 2024. We’ll be sure to catch up with Owen and the crew at OPM Design in 2025 to see how they’re going. We will return in 2025 with more Behind The Mesh editions from printers all over Australia. Stay tuned!

      Written by the Jones Brothers Printechnology Team in collaboration with OPM Design – Owen Morland.

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